“Every day I admire your beauty and prose! You just keep getting more n more exquisite,
you are by far the best person I have met this year thank you for being so awesome!”
Ugh. That’s a lot to live up to if it is true to life. Which it is, and isn’t. I am all those cool things, but this dude doesn’t know me. If he did he’d be running the other way screaming because that’s how it goes with me. Ask my friends, they’ll tell you with a a tired, reassured shrug. “I’m sorry Amber, but it’s going to take a special guy. You are just that awesome.”
Compliments are a tricky thing. Was that backhanded, or motivationally grounded? What was your intent by extension?
(He just wants to get down your pants)
Ugh, and more Ugh.
Yeah.. I know REAL life. Don’t fool yourself. I promise you that I am not that stupid. If anything I am smart enough to know my value, and when it comes to REAL…
Like I said before, I am all those wonderful things, and my reply would be simple, gracious, gratitude, if not for speculation, and undo credit.
Thank You.
I have not always been the best person, and I don’t know if I want, or can be one now in any sense of permanence. There are times I consider shooting up heroin just to waste my life, but then that’s what happens with free will, and imagination.
I can be anyone I want to, and right now I want to be the best thing that ever happened to HIM..
Who is he?
He is the guy that knows me enough to say, “I know enough about you to admit that I don’t know if I could even if I wanted to with my whole heart. I can’t imagine it for myself, so I’ll let you go for the guy who knows he can.
Fine. In the meantime I aspire. I aspire to live up to the measure of goodness your opinions reflect.
Deserving is not constant, nor should praise be given like a visa. Today will be marked “A WIN FOR AMBER GARIBAY.”
Tomorrow, a goal for more of the same.
Thank you. Your belief is motivation.
“Please, Just don’t do heroin Amber.”
I’d rather sniff glue!
(Does anybody get me)
Amber Garibay
The Adventures Of